Seminar: anb909.2 Analyzing teaching materials for the EFL classroom - Details

Seminar: anb909.2 Analyzing teaching materials for the EFL classroom - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: anb909.2 Analyzing teaching materials for the EFL classroom
Semester SoSe 2021
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 14
maximale Teilnehmendenanzahl 35
Heimat-Einrichtung Anglistik
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 06.04.2021 14:00 - 16:00
Teilnehmende Studierende des BACS im Fach Anglistik.
Voraussetzungen Erfolgreiche Teilnahme und bestandener Abschluss des Moduls AN4.
Lernorganisation Regular Attendance and Active Participation
Your regular attendance and active participation is essential for this class.
Weekly (Reading) Assignments
Obligatory literature must be read and prepared by all students, along with their buddy group. Everybody has to join in a buddy group.
Literature and materials will be provided on Stud.IP.
Everyone (presentation group and class): Please have the session materials (articles, notes) ready on your gadget (notebook, tablet, smartphone) or on your desk so you may refer to it in the discussion.
In-Class Presentation (Group work)
1 Based on published teaching material, you will briefly reflect on a given tasks (plus extra material, such as media (visuals, audios, etc.), differentiation material, expectation catalogue, etc.), and discuss how you would teach them to learners at intermediate EFL-level (Sek I). Pay also attention to the differentiation material (both Leistungs-/ Neigungs¬dif-ferenzierung) complementing the regular task! After the presentation, the discussion will raise questions on methods, planning, teacher-learner communication, etc.
2 In relation to our class literature syllabus you should think about the following questions:
- Which features make “your” page a “good” textbook page? Why (not)?
- Which particular approach / method do the tasks in “your” textbook page represent?
- How does your textbook page support the student(s) in accomplishing the objective you set?
- How does the use of the textbook page allow for differentiation?
- What may be criticized about your textbook page?
- Form groups of max. 3 students. You will work together as “buddy group” throughout the term, preparing the weekly obligatory reading material, and possibly cooperating in the presentation (in case you choose this class for the Modulabschlussprüfung). As a buddy group, you will also support other groups in their presentation.
- Each group will give a presentation of 20 mins duration. An extra 10 mins will be devoted for questions, discussions and feedback.
- The presentation itself is ungraded, but it is an essential part of the graded Modulprüfungsleistung (individualle schriftliche Ausarbeitung).
- You should make use of media (e.g. PPT, audios, videos) to support your presentation. The presentation should be appealing and easy to follow as an introduction to your worksheet.
- Upload your presentation and all accompanying materials on Stud.IP the Friday BEFORE you present (by 11:00Uhr at the latest!).
(Example: If you present “your” worksheet on Tuesday 08th June 2021 you need to upload your presentation and all accompanying materials on Stud.IP by Friday 4th June 2021 by 11:00Uhr (at the latest!)).
- Our online session on 1st June will support you in selecting content material for your task (your own suggestions welcome!).
- You will present your analyses (via BBB) on 08th June, 15th June, 22th June, 29th June and 6th July 2021.
Leistungsnachweis Written Assignment (Individual work)
1 In the introductory part of the paper you briefly address the chances and challenges in textbooks and their relation to approaches, methods and media, as well as differentiation, in the context of foreign language learning and teaching. What are possible problems for teachers and learners, when / why do you suppose the chosen material to be stimulating?
2 Integrate readings to outline reasons for the choice of your material: i.e., what are criteria that make the textbook appealing to the students and relevant to support their language learning progress.
3 In relation to theory, you describe “your” textbook-page (including its differentiation options) and how your learning scenario allows for development of the children’s/students’ foreign language competences and skills.
4 The following exemplary questions provide further “food for thought”:
- Which features make yours a “good” textbook page? Why?
- Which aspects of language learning does your textbook page support? How? Explain with reference to the expectation catalogue.
- How does your material support the student(s) in accomplishing the objectives you set?
- What may be critical about the textbook page and its tasks?
- Which were the most significant critical points in the feedback by peers in response to your presentation?
- …

- Between 10.000 and 15.000 characters (including spaces) (excluding appendices)
- Research paper
- Quote from many different sources (do your own research on published academic material in addition to the class syllabus)!
- The paper should also include a brief reflection on the discussion in class and feedback. It may be a huge help for you to have your paper finished as a draft by the time of your presentation, and to revise it after class, including topics raised during the discussion.
- Deadline: Mo., 12th July, 2021.
- Digital version (pdf, sent via email to
Referencing Style and Declaration of Authorship
- Please follow the information in the document "A Guide for Academic Writing FACHDIDAKTIK ENGLISCH" to format your paper (this document can be found on Stud.IP).
- Do not forget to include the signed declaration of authorship.

- You have to register for the Modulprüfung. Registration on QISPOS opens on 19th April 2021.
- Your Modulprüfungsleistung will be reflected in ONE final grade (encompassing the partial performances of your presentation and your paper). This grade will document your overall achievement in Module 9.
Lehrsprache Englisch
Sonstiges Für diese Veranstaltung wurde eine Lerngruppengröße festgelegt. Das bedeutet, dass diese Veranstaltung und ihre Parallelveranstaltungen möglichst gleichmäßig ausgelastet werden sollen, ohne die Teilnehmerkapazität insgesamt zu begrenzen. Für weitere Informationen siehe:

Allgemeine Hinweise zum Lehrangebot finden Sie unter:

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Dienstag: 14:00 - 16:00, wöchentlich


In this class, we will look at materials in different media to be used in secondary school, analysing and examining their structures and contents. Scrutinizing textbooks (plus publishers’ adjunct material) as the “Leitmedium” (Engelbert Thaler) of EFL lessons, we will see how a range of different materials tie in with the school form-specific curricula, and how they shape a contemporary teaching/learning environment. Our specific focus will be on the multimediality of teaching and the multimodality of textbooks. We will first pay particular attention to the way textbooks and other materials develop learners’ skills, and then analyse selected pages or digital formats with multimodal tasks during the second half of term. These analyses will be presented, and discussed afterwards.


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Folgende Regeln gelten für die Anmeldung:
  • Die Anmeldung ist möglich von 02.03.2021, 19:00 bis 20.04.2021, 23:59.
  • Die Anmeldung zu maximal 1 Veranstaltungen des Anmeldesets ist erlaubt.
  • Es wird eine festgelegte Anzahl von Plätzen in den Veranstaltungen verteilt.
    Die Plätze werden in der Reihenfolge der Anmeldung vergeben.